Let me start by saying I remain in complete shock at your products. Let me back up just a second and tell you last year I planted imperial whitetail clover for the first time and shot my first buck in 16 years of hunting at the same lease in east Texas. I had always just planted oats or rye grass but never had much luck so I tried the your Imperial Clover. I saw more deer coming to the clover in one season, than I had in the previous 15 seasons combined. I'm hunting in a county that is not known for its deer numbers at all, maybe just the opposite. This year, the first weekend in October I planted the No Plow on top of the clover from last year and just raked it all real good. As luck would have it rained that day and within 10 days my food plot looked great.
Fast forward to the 2nd week of hunting season, I’m sitting in my stand and I have a four point come into the plot early, hangs around eating for 20 minutes or so and leaves. About 8am, I have a great 8 point come out of the wood line, and head straight for the food plot. It was like a magnet pulling him in and for me it was my best ever east Texas buck.
Thanks for an amazing product.