My wife and I have a small ranch in DeWitt County, TX where the Post Oak Savannah blends into the South Texas Plains. We lease properties on three sides and use our 120 acres of property in the center to attract and hold deer using five, one acre food plots cut out of our native brush. Two of the five plots are irrigated. We bought this land in December of 2004, and I was surprised by the lack of deer sightings. During the month of December, I saw three deer. We decided to get busy and I went straight to Whitetail Institute for advice.
Your personnel listened to me describe what I had and wanted to see, he made his recommendations and we went to work. I laid out the 5 plots and had a bulldozer do the initial clearing. I then went to work with my tractor mold boarding and disking the plots. The two plots closest to our home were also close to an abandoned water well. We went to work on the well and the necessary plumbing to get the water into the field. With the irrigated fields ready, we planted PowerPlant last spring and summer. The immediate response from our whitetails was outstanding! Deer immediately started to show up at all times of the day. There was no doubt we were attracting deer from some distance. As the PowerPlant played out at the end of the summer, I planted the Whitetail Clover. I had always been under the impression that it might not be possible to grow this clover in South Texas but with the consistent moisture available through the sprinkler system, the crop really took off. One year later and from where I saw three deer standing in an empty pasture, I had eleven bucks and 10 does standing in a one acre plot of Imperial Whitetail Clover! Thank you! That same October, we also planted three one acre plots with Extreme. These plots received absolutely no moisture until January. I couldn't believe that within days of rain, they took off. The amount of deer traveling to and from the plots is amazing. On November 16, I shot a nice whitetail that was following a group of does. This 10 pointer (143 BC) won a contest in the County for the largest free-range deer taken last year. Your products have added value to our property. The delight in seeing deer in the plots cannot be measured. Thanks for your assistance and providing a fine product.