Eric Pruitt – Kentucky

I was bowhunting in Kentucky last year. My son, Michael and his family, and my wife decided to join me there for Thanksgiving. I asked my son if he wanted to go hunting, as the day before was his birthday. So, we were walking to the food plot and when we got there, I was in front. This fine buck was standing in my Imperial Whitetail Clover plot tending two does. We were behind some cover, so I handed my 270 and told him there was a shooter in the plot. My son put the crosshairs on him and squeezed the trigger, and boom!
The buck was still standing there and didn’t flinch, with his eyes locked on the does. I thought Michael missed and told him to shoot again. He looked at me and said that deer is dead… he just doesn’t know it yet. Again I said, “Put another round into him.” Michael said, “He’s done Dad!” About that time, the does must have heard us and they started walking off into the woods and he followed. I was just sick as I was watching this great buck just walking away and thinking my son was going to learn a hard hunting lesson. The buck walked about 40 yards into the woods and got the wobbles and fell dead. My son said, “I knew I made a good shot dad.” When we got to the buck, sure enough, heart shot. Michael’s buck was a 152-inch gross 9 - point, with only 13-1/2-inch inside spread, but tons of mass and tine length. It was my son’s first hunt in several years, and it lasted about 45 seconds. Happy birthday son, Thanks for a memory I’ll never forget!