As a president of a hunt club, I think the pictures included speaks for themselves. Cedar Creek Hunt Club was established in 1995 on a prime piece of property in Loudoun County, Va. The property has 1500 acres and all the ingredients to support a large herd of whitetail deer. When we first obtained the tract, there was a large doe population with some quality bucks but mostly adolescent bucks. Because of Imperial Whitetail products and deer management, the deer population is in check and the doe to buck ratio is 3 to 1.
There are numerous 140-class and above bucks available throughout the property. We tried soybeans, corn, ladino clover, sunflowers, wheat and various others, but by far, Imperial Whitetail products out produced all others. I have thoroughly enjoyed observing does and bucks in our clover fields. Without Whitetail Clover, observing deer so frequently in their natural state in large numbers would not be possible. The mass and body weight that our deer have obtained is astonishing in comparison to the deer on the surrounding properties. We will continue to use Imperial Whitetail products for many years to come.