The buck in the enclosed photo was shot on Dec 13 during the beginning of the post rut on an Imperial Whitetail Clover food plot. The deer pounded the food plots until late October. We had a warm and dry fall so the acorns fell late and a lot of them. The deer abandoned the food plots for most of November but when the acorns got scarce the bucks came back.
It was the best late rut ever for me. I passed up between 35 and 40 bucks this year on our 450 acre lease. At least ten of those are 3 1/2 and 4 1/2. There is a big 20" plus 8 point with approximately 13" g3's 12"g2's and serious mass I saw the first day of bow season and late November but never could get a shot on him and he was in the same 5 acre food plot I shot this buck in and makes this buck look small. The bucks are putting on more weight and antlers are growing bigger with more mass at younger ages.
I talked to my neighbors after the season and they said they didn't hardly see any bucks, I lied and told them we saw a few small bucks we let go but it was a slow season also. The fact is I've sucked them all on our place. They don’t plant food plots and to my knowledge no one does for miles near us. Imperial Clover and Alfa-Rack Plus are magnets. Once I learned that plowing, disking, liming, spraying, fertilizing, are all important I have some beautiful plots. I tried ladino and other clovers but there's something magical about Imperial products. Thanks
I talked to my neighbors after the season and they said they didn't hardly see any bucks, I lied and told them we saw a few small bucks we let go but it was a slow season also. The fact is I've sucked them all on our place. They don’t plant food plots and to my knowledge no one does for miles near us. Imperial Clover and Alfa-Rack Plus are magnets. Once I learned that plowing, disking, liming, spraying, fertilizing, are all important I have some beautiful plots. I tried ladino and other clovers but there's something magical about Imperial products. Thanks