Extreme is a perfect name for this product. It has made an extreme difference in deer activity in and around this food plot!
I planted Extreme in a 2 ½ acre plot September 1st, I had this same plot planted with some clover and alfalfa bought from the local grain elevator three years prior, I then increased my deer activity and buck sightings. Then the drought hit last year and killed 90% of the plot. I had been interested in Extreme because of its drought tolerant abilities; our summers in southeast Kansas are dry and hot. So I decided to purchase Extreme and give it a try. We read the planting and fertilizing instructions and went step by step. September 1st the seed went in the earth. On September 4th we got three tenths of rain and September 8th five tenths of rain, September 15th ¾ of an inch covered my 2 ½ acres of average growth. The next 15 days brought another 1 ½” of rain and by September 30th the plot was a beautiful lush Extreme field 3 to 4 inches tall, simply beautiful! October brought another 2 ½ to 3 inches of rain and the temperatures staying in the mid 80’s. Not to good for the deer hunt, but now the plot average 6 to 7 inches and it was thick. I mentioned earlier how the Extreme had increased deer activity but WOW I never thought it would be like it is. It is now a plot that you can always go to and see deer!
November rolled in and every time I was in stand around the plot I was seeing large bucks 130 class deer up to a 12 pointer that was an easy 170+ class, seven different bucks to be exact. The numbers of deer this plot brought in are unbelievable. I did not know my property held those kind of deer numbers! On the morning of November 16th I was able to harvest a 141 inch 9 pointer with my bow at the south end of the Extreme plot. This product is extremely unbelievable! If you plant it they will come. Thank you so very much.
November rolled in and every time I was in stand around the plot I was seeing large bucks 130 class deer up to a 12 pointer that was an easy 170+ class, seven different bucks to be exact. The numbers of deer this plot brought in are unbelievable. I did not know my property held those kind of deer numbers! On the morning of November 16th I was able to harvest a 141 inch 9 pointer with my bow at the south end of the Extreme plot. This product is extremely unbelievable! If you plant it they will come. Thank you so very much.