Several years ago the deer were plentiful and getting access to hunting ground was no problem. In this past few years both seeing quality bucks and getting access to ground has greatly decreased. My dad and his four brothers began planting “Imperial Whitetail Clover” about four years ago and the results have been incredible. The day of small family farms is gone in NE Kansas and the typical farming practice has transitioned to ranching and brome fields. This has made pinpointing big buck travel very difficult, until the clover fields were established and the deer located them. These Whitetail clover plots draw deer from several miles and we all know what that means when the rut rolls around in November. The picture I have included is a buck I took with my bow on Nov. 11th last season on the edge of one of these fields planted with Imperial Whitetail Clover. This deer has 7 inch bases and will gross over 180 inches. We just finished planting three more small fields last weekend of Whitetail clover and that reminded me to write you guy’s and thank you for a great product. I look forward to this fall and seeing more giant KS whitetails. Thanks again.