The Whitetail Institute of North America is proud to announce its newest annual food plot product for fall and winter: Imperial Whitetail Beets & Greens. A diverse brassica blend, Beets & Greens establishes and grows quickly, providing massive amounts of forage, turnips, beets and radishes to attract deer and provide them with a variety of food options from fall through winter. The nature of its forage components maximizes attraction by offering a variety of food options within the same plot throughout the life of the stand.

Forage Components and Performance

Beets & Greens is a precise blend of diverse brassica components. Each component has been carefully selected using a broad range of criteria, including attractiveness to deer, rapid establishment, prolific growth and abundant production. Then, it’s blended in precise ratios that Whitetail Institute testing has shown to maximize the performance of the stand by providing deer with choices of multiple food sources in the same plot continuously from fall through winter. And as is the case with other Whitetail Institute seed blends, Beets & Greens includes forage components that are only available in Whitetail Institute products.

Sugar Beets: Most hunters already know how exceptionally attractive sugar beets can be. In fact, sugar beets are so high in sugar they’re commercially grown throughout the world for sugar production. Sugar beet tops, which offer deer substantial levels of protein and carbohydrates, are highly attractive to deer immediately, most often even before frosts arrive. And the abundant forage keeps attracting deer into the late season and beyond.

Tall Tine Turnip: Tall Tine Turnip is the only turnip variety scientifically developed specifically for food plots for deer. Forage experimentation on wild, free-ranging deer has proven Tall Tine Turnip to be the most attractive turnip variety the Whitetail Institute has ever tested. To develop Tall Tine Turnip, Whitetail Institute agronomists and scientists painstakingly selected and tested numerous existing turnip varieties; isolated those that best exhibited high tonnage, tuber size, attractiveness to deer, rapid establishment and growth; and then protected them from further browsing to let them produce seed. That seed was then put back into testing the next year, and the process of developing the most attractive turnip variety continued for the next six years. Tall Tine Turnip produces abundant foliage and large, sweet tubers. The foliage provides variety with other brassicas in Beets & Greens, as they begin to attract deer during the early hunting season and become even sweeter with the first frosts of fall. The turnip tubers continue to attract deer and provide them with critical nutrition during winter.

WINA 210K Kale: WINA 210K is a kale variety developed by the Whitetail Institute according to the same stringent protocols followed in developing Tall Tine Turnip for use in food plots for deer. Not all kales are the same. Some are coarse and indigestible. The leaves of kale varieties grown mostly for ornamental purposes are technically edible, but they aren’t nearly as palatable as other varieties. Also, some kales form tight heads instead of loose leaves — for example, the cabbages you see in grocery stores. Some kale varieties don’t grow as quickly or as tall as others, making them less suitable for food plots. WINA 210K Kale suffers none of those drawbacks. It’s a vegetable cultivar that grows large, individual leaves instead of a head, and the leaves are extremely attractive to deer.

WINA 412 Radish: WINA 412 Radish maximizes the attraction of the stand during the long term by adding variety to the forage and tuber offerings of the plot.

Additional Benefit: Soil Tilth In addition to serving as food sources for deer, the Tall Tine Turnips and WINA 412 Radishes in Beets & Greens also provide additional benefits beyond the normal life of the stand by improving the “tilth” of heavier, compacted soils.

Soil Tilth: Tilth refers to the physical condition of soil as it relates to the soil’s ability to grow crops. It’s determined by specific physical characteristics of the soil, including how well or poorly the soil can hold moisture and how well or poorly it’s aerated. Soils with good tilth have spaces that allow water to infiltrate and move, adequate levels of oxygen for roots to grow, and also acceptable levels of moisture and nutrients. Generally, heavier soils with a high clay content are especially prone to poor soil tilth because of compaction. In addition to serving as sources of food for deer during fall and winter, the underground tubers formed by WINA 412 Radish and Tall Tine Tubers help create such spaces in soils with poor tilth through biodrilling, which is the process of using plants that can drill down as they grow, even in compacted soil. Using radishes as an example, WINA 412 Radish produces tubers that can push several feet even into compacted clay soils and grow as thick as soft-drink bottles — much larger than the small, round radishes we commonly see in grocery stores. In addition to aerating the soil as they grow, any turnip and radish tubers remaining the spring after planting also add organic matter to the soil as they break down.


Available in 3-pound bags that will plant 1/2-acre and 12-pound bags that will plant two acres, Beets & Greens comes ready to plant, including the Whitetail Institute’s Rainbond seed coating, which maximizes seedling survivability by absorbing moisture from the soil and keeping it next to the seeds as they sprout and grow. If you’re looking for a unique brassica planting for fall that includes highly attractive brassica forage and boosts attraction even further by offering multiple food sources to deer from fall through winter, give Beets & Greens a try. Your deer will thank you for it.