Meet Jody Holdbrooks with Whitetail Institute Consulting


By Jody Holdbrooks

Bow season is staring us in the face in Alabama, and my food plots haven’t had a sprinkle on them. I’ve seen no bucks on my game cameras of any size. Sometimes, getting everything to work out the way you imagine is not in the books. Preparation is an important word for any hunter/land manager, but sometimes, no matter how much we prepare, we must rely on luck and experience.

That’s why signing on with Whitetail Institute was a no-brainer for me. I cherish working with the researchers who started it all. My first wildlife job out of college was with Whitetail Institute, and I’ve returned to help educate folks and better the brand. We have a great crew here that works solidly as a team. I have three simple yet important goals for the next few years. First, I want to attend various consumer events, such as deer shows, and promote our products across the country. We’ll also be revising our field tester program. In fact, we’ll test this spring to better our products and work on new products year-round. Testing these products across the country lets us fine-tune blends and select the most attractive, palatable forages. That preserves our success as leaders in the food plot industry. Finally, Whitetail Institute is starting a consulting service that will ensure our customers take their property to the next level.


Shows After COVID hit in 2020, Whitetail Institute was forced to stop attending deer shows and hasn’t really been on the scene the past few years. We did a few shows in 2022, but we’ll be back in full swing in 2023. Trade shows let me meet land managers and answer questions. We’re excited to get back out and talk with our current customers, but I love to introduce new hunters and managers to food plot basics and get them started. I enjoy receiving calls or seeing them the next year and hearing success stories. And I really love to see food plot managers get to the point when they teach others. We’re here to educate folks and introduce new people to hunting, but the same can be said for habitat management and deer management.


Consulting and Field Testing Whitetail Institute will introduce its consulting service, conducting private- lands consulting for food plots and overall land management. We will come to your property, spend the day looking at your land and provide sound management practices to fit your budget. I was hired to start this program and help hunters with land management. During the visit, we’ll study maps and features to maximize your property’s potential. Our consulting staff is unique because of the real-world experience. Consulting team members Dr. Carroll Johnson and Dr. Joyce Tredaway are Ph.D. agronomists and weed scientists who know weeds and soil science at a level that teaches me every time I’m around them. Here’s what will happen when I visit your property.


Soil testing: We’ll take soil samples on your food plots, analyze them and tell you how to incorporate the right amount of lime, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and other nutrients that will help amend your soil. We’ll also set your property up on the PlotPerfection app and help you get started with a management plan for your food plots. PlotPerfection is a great tool that lets you store your food plot management info and keep a personal database to log your activities. It’s been a lifesaver for me while keeping up with several properties.


Food plot layout: I’ll give my advice on your food plot locations and sizes. We’ll discuss the best strategies and food plot and stand locations to improve your habitat quality and hunting success. Timber stands: If you have timber land and recreational property, we’ll examine what we can do to better manage your timber investment to improve wildlife and work with your forester to determine a plan that matches his timber management goals.


Seed recommendations: I will provide forage recommendations for your food plots (after getting results from the soil testing). We will offer a plan with fall and spring plantings that will help you achieve the proper nutrition to supplement natural vegetation and give bucks, does, and fawns the nutrition they require. Again, we’ll examine your soil test and provide exact recommendations for lime and fertilizer on each food plot.


Field testers program: Any property I step on will become part of our prestigious field testers program. You will have the opportunity to test seed and help us decide what passes the tests of palatability and soil tolerance. You will also test seed blends before they hit the market. We would also love to feature your success in the Whitetail News and on social media.


Conclusion Hunters, land managers and recreational property owners are looking for one thing: better-quality white-tailed deer. We want the preparation we put into our properties to be successful. That can mean anything from a first-time food plotter to the veteran biologist. We want to see the research and hard work produce a trophy buck. Whitetail Institute’s main goal is for hunters throughout the country to have success, and we have the team to get you there. Whether you use hand tools, sprayers, a four-wheeler or large ag equipment, we’re here to get you started and walk with you through the management experience. Contact me at (800) 688-3030 or I would love to look at your property and help you take it to the next level.