At last there’s a full-function app designed for food plotters. Whitetail Institute’s new PlotPerfection app lets you keep all your historical and planning information in one place at your fingertips. PlotPerfection works with iPhone or Android.

Go to to view a great explanatory video and to download the app. PlotPerfection is new industry-standard technology. A full-spectrum food plot app has been long overdue. Previously, the only way to accomplish what PlotPerfection does was to use several unrelated apps — not designed for food plotters — for various food plot functions, which required you to switch back and forth to accomplish your goal. For example, you’d need one app for aerials and another for plotting. You also needed a place to store documents such as soil test reports, photos and notes, and a separate app to perform fertilizer calculations. PlotPerfection integrates all that information into one highly useful app.

Nuts and Bolts PlotPerfection lets you maintain records and planning for anything from one to several food plots, and even multiple properties. To get an idea of how great a tool the app is, watch the brief introduction at, which explains its highlights. After you download PlotPerfection, it works like any other app you’d get from the Apple or GooglePlay store.

Dashboard: When you open the app, you’ll see the first indicator of how comprehensively useful it is: the side menu. The first side link is the dashboard option, which gives you a list of your plots with links below each plot that provide the plot’s details, including historical information and things you plan to do. In addition to the side menu, many of the app’s options are directly accessible from dropdown menus that appear when you click on other categories in the sidebar, providing easy access to information no matter where you are in the app.

Map integration: The mapping option in PlotPerfection lets you quickly and easily draw the boundaries of each of your plots on an aerial photo integrated into the app. After you draw a plot’s boundaries, the app automatically calculates the acreage of each plot, another function that previously took multiple apps to accomplish. You can click on each plot and immediately access the historical information you’ve entered, plus your planning information. 

Integration with Whitetail Institute soil testing laboratory: Perhaps the most useful aspect of PlotPerfection is its integration with Whitetail Institute’s soil testing lab. Performing laboratory soil tests any time you’re considering buying lime or fertilizer is the most important tool for ensuring success and saving money. PlotPerfection is directly interfaced with the Whitetail Institute lab to make submission of soil samples and receipt of soil reports even easier.

Soil testing information: PlotPerfection eliminates the need to hand-write a sheet of paper to send in with soil. Instead, fill out the form in the app, print it out and send it with the soil sample. You’ll be notified immediately when the lab receives your sample and again when the report is ready. And here’s the kicker: The lab doesn’t just send you the report. It has an internal ID for each test that directly connects the lab with PlotPerfection, and it lets lab results automatically flow back to the app.

Lime and fertilizer calculator: When your soil report information has been sent to your app, it’s stored there so you can track trends through time. If you have multiple plots, the app will tell you totals needed for lime and fertilizer. And one of the most useful features is the app’s ability to let you input fertilizer elements or blends in your area and tell you how to combine them to the lab’s recommendations.

Journal: As you add historical and current information about your food plots, you’ll essentially be creating a journal — a record of historical information you can use to identify trends. That can be incredibly useful in keeping track of various subjects, such as soil nutrient usage, to help you gauge how much fertilizer you need to buy. It can also help you monitor how bucks using a plot are improving, and answer any questions about the effects of your efforts at a food plot and the wildlife it supports.

Planning component: PlotPerfection will calculate how much seed you need to buy. Input the name(s) of the Whitetail Institute product(s) you plan to plant in each plot, and the app will provide precise recommendations of the total seed you’ll need. If you plant perennials, the app will also help you keep track of maintenance tasks, such as spraying for grass and weeds. And no more struggling to remember the details of what and how you sprayed in the past. The app’s recording component lets you immediately determine what you’ve sprayed before — not only how much herbicide, but even how much water you used in the solution and how fast you drove. You can use that information in your current planning. Photos: PlotPerfection lets you import photos so you organize and track them by food plot. They’re tied to a timeline so you can look back and see the results of your work. Catch-all: With any information you record in PlotPerfection, you can also add comments and notes. This can be extremely useful for accuracy instead of relying on memory about things such as the timing of planting and spraying, which forages worked better than others, and if you planted something other than what was listed on the soil test.

Closing Thoughts PlotPerfection is a go-anywhere, one stop shop for food plotters. You can have all the information you need, and it’s immediately accessible for preparing, planning and reviewing food plot matters from your living room and at your property. Whitetail Institute will continue to upgrade the app to provide additional capabilities, such as a calendar for planning tasks such as planting, maintenance and when to start preparing seedbeds. To start, go to, and sign up. You’ll get a “getting started” screen that will help you set up. Also, instead of text-based help files, you’ll get videos linked to specific features and overall to help use PlotPerfection. The videos cover everything, but the library will undoubtedly grow as the app continues to evolve. Introductory offer: As a limited-time introductory offer, you can get PlotPerfection for $29.99 and get two free soil tests when you sign up. The app is an exceptional value if you’re a serious food plotter.