Seth Hubbard — Minnesota We have tried a handful
of products from different companies over the years on our property, but once
we tried Whitetail Institute products, the search was over. By far the best
seed we have ever used! The first year we planted Winter-Greens was three years
ago, and we immediately noticed an increase of deer on our property, and I was able
to harvest a 145-inch buck (photo 1) the first week of November as he was
headed up a trail to one of the Winter-Greens plots that he used very often. We
were all excited because that was the first Pope and Young buck we had ever
taken off the property. Little did we know what the future had in store for us.
The very next fall, I was able to harvest a 193-inch buck, known as “Can
Opener” in the area (photo 2). He spent his entire summer on the neighbor’s
property until one of our Winter-Greens plots was too much for him to resist.
We have pictures of him at noon feeding in the plot. That’s how much he loved
the stuff. Definitely a buck of a life-time. The day before that my wife was
able to harvest her first ever deer over that same food plot. It was a 115-inch
buck (photo 3). After that she was hooked and last year she set her sights on a
stud of a buck we called “SOCO.” In the fall two years ago, my Dad was also
able to take his personal best buck during the firearms season. A 135-inch
8-pointer (photo 4) known as “Sidekick” when he was chasing a doe from a
Winter-Greens plot and ran her within 20 yards of him and he put him down! Last
summer “SOCO” spent all his time on the neighbor’s property until about a week
before bow season, when one of our Winter-Greens plots was just the way he
liked it. We sat in blind that was over a soybean field that had a 30-yard half
circle in front of the blind of Winter-Greens and I couldn’t believe what I
saw. That buck came out at 200 yards and walked straight across a lush green
soybean plot to get to what he really wanted and that was the Winter-Greens. He
gave her the perfect shot, and she put him down. He scored 166 inches (photo
5). Such an amazing hunt and I truly believe that if it wasn’t for the
Winter-Greens plots we had, those bucks would be hanging on somebody else’s
wall. Thank you, White-tail Institute, for making these great prod-ucts. They
will be the only seed to hit the dirt in our kill plots on our property! In
three years of planting Winter-Greens we were able to harvest five bucks that
added up to 754 inches of bone!