I’ve planted different seeds from my local coop for several years. This past year I decided to plant Whitetail Institute products. Wow, what a difference. The Winter Peas Plus were hit first and they were hammered.
The Tall Tine Tubers are amazing, the deer ate the tops first and then started digging up the tubers. We’ve also had great luck with the Imperial Whitetail Clover in the bottom fields. Its 6-8 inches tall in three months. I can’t wait to see how it helps hold the deer on my property all year. The main thing I’ve noticed this year is that the plots seem much more preferred. The does are in the plots more often and I’m seeing bucks that I’ve never seen before. My friend Steve, who hunts with me can’t believe how good our hunting is. Also, my neighbors are saying they aren’t seeing deer like they have in years past. I’m fairly confident I know where their deer went. On Halloween, I got a picture of a huge buck with drop tines on one of my trail cameras. Unfortunately, work kept me from hunting for the next two weeks. But on Nov. 13 I was going hunting no matter what anybody said. I couldn’t stand it any longer. I got in my stand with my crossbow at 2 p.m. said a prayer and at 2:30 p.m. he was standing broadside at 15 yards from my stand. Somehow, despite my nerves, I made a good shot and he ran only about 60 yards. He scored 213 2/8 and the guy that scored him said he’s the #1 buck ever taken in my county with a crossbow and the #18 all-time in Ohio with a crossbow. I thank the Whitetail Institute and I especially want to thank the Lord for blessing me with the biggest deer I’ve ever seen while hunting and I thank Him for answering my prayer.