have been managing a hunting club property
for about four years. Every year, we plant a variety of annual and perennial products
from Whitetail Institute. With a combination of these powerful forage products
and the use of 30-06 mineral, we have some quality mature bucks on the
property. This year, we were fortunate enough to harvest two mature 12-point bucks
thanks to the use of Whitetail Institute products. Photo 1 is me with my buck I
took off an Imperial Whitetail Clover food plot. He scored 149-3/8 B&C.
Photo 2 is my friend, Mike Shaffer, with his buck that he took off an Alfa-Rack
Plus food plot. His buck scored 159-2/8 B&C. Thank you Whitetail Institute
for producing products that make every deer hunters dream come true.