A Message from Ray Scott: Tough Times Call For Extra-SmartManagement

 There’s a new vocabulary in the media these days. You’ve heard it: downsizing, cutting back, economizing, simplifying, getting back to basics, etc. Like some of you out there I grew up with adults greatly affected by tough economic times — the Great Depression.
As a matter of fact I was born smack-dab in the middle of that era. As a family we kept our sense of humor and appreciated what we had and used our resources wisely. And that is what hunters and land managers must do — and are doing — today.

As far as hunting and deer management is concerned, I believe getting back to basics presents a unique challenge with great rewards. A challenge our Whitetail Institute field testers can turn to their advantage this upcoming hunting season, because there will be more of an incentive to do things right, which always saves money, as well as time. Feedback from our field testers, tells us they are taking the economy in stride as far as their hunting/management plans. They know one thing for sure: starting with quality products is the first step in making the most of their deer management dollars. They don’t depend on expensive gimmicks and fancy packaging or the latest fads.

That’s why they choose Imperial products. They also know there are specific steps they can take to maximize the quality and longevity of their food plots and nutrition programs. Dr. Wayne Hanna reminds us — one more time — that soil testing is not only an essential way to ensure success with your food plots but can save you big bucks in the long run. And when you’re in a position to plant a food plot, don’t skimp on fertilizer, lime or seed. That too will ultimately save money. And finally, don’t forget that setting up a good perennial maintenance schedule can make your plantings last longer. Jon Cooner addressed that in your last issue of Whitetail News (see www.whitetailinstitute. com). It’s all common sense, but today it’s economic sense as well..