Enclosed please find
a picture of my daughter-in-law, Ja Chambless with a nice 10-point buck shot
over a plot of your Extreme. I have used your products since around 1994 when I
planted approx 4 acres of Imperial Whitetail Clover and Alfa-Rack. It lasted about
8 years with only minimal maintenance, (i.e. Clipping and spraying.) I did lime
it at planting and repeated again in 5 years to adjust pH. I also fertilize it
after spraying each spring. This plot was awesome. We saw more deer and turkey on
it than ever before and the quality of the bucks has improved dramatically. Since
moving our hunting activities to a new area in 2001, I have planted your
Extreme with success. The new area we are hunting is very sandy and does not
hold moisture well enough during dry periods of summer. I would like to thank
you for providing a great product and look forward to hunting over the Extreme
for years to come.