A Message from Ray Scott Late-Season Secret Weapon

Whenever I think we’ve covered about every planting situation possible, our research staff comes up with yet another twist on food plots. From several years of remarkable field test reports, we’ve got a real blockbuster food plot planting coming on the market.

As soon as I read about it, I knew it would be great for a hunting scenario I’m sure you’ll recognize. I don’t know about your personal experiences, but I frequently find myself in late season holding out till the very last minute for that ideal buck and that perfect shot. Unfortunately, some of the time my food plots are out of synch with my grand plans. They’re eaten down, worn out or plain dead and buried. It turns out late season is not only difficult for deer but hunters, too.

Well, hang on to your binoculars. The Whitetail Institute is ready to unveil its late-season secret weapon (read more about it on page 10). It’s called Winter-Greens, and it’s the perfect name because the planting stands tall and stays green in the dead of winter. As a matter of fact, it thrives in tough, late-season conditions, through cold and snow. And get this — the stuff actually gets BETTER after the first hard frost.

To this old Southern boy, it looks a lot like collard greens. Actually it’s brassica, and according to Matt Harper, our deer nutrition specialist, I’m not that far off. The brassicas in Winter-Greens do have a vegetable genetic background. Our own particular brassica blend has been developed to be ultra sweet and is far more attractive than ordinary (often stemmy) straight-forage brassicas.

As always, our new product has been thoroughly tested not only in the “laboratory” but by real, live hunters and managers in real-life circumstances all across the country. As a matter of fact, my grandson, Gates (Steve’s son), and his mother took their first bucks off test fields of Winter-Greens this past season.

That’s a good testimonial in my book!