Every Acre Counts

By Bill Winke

When managing your deer hunting property, you have a limited number of acres with which to work. It makes no sense to waste even one of them. Do your best to make every square foot produce something that benefits your long-range goals. If you find an acre that doesn't produce optimal food or cover, you should do something about it.

Clay Williams - Virginia

Four years ago my father David Williams purchased 40 acres in Nottoway County, VA. It had everything a whitetail loves — thick pines, hardwoods and swamp land. The only problem was we really didn’t have a spot that could be cleared out for a nice food plot. Ten acres became available the next year that adjoined our land and we bought it. In no time dad had a bulldozer in there and cleared two acres for a food plot.

Randy Valentine - Virginia

Yes whitetail deer hunters you can make it happen. The dream of harvesting a true trophy buck can become a reality, a dream come true on small acreage hunting land. I have 25 acres and lease another 45 acres next to the 25 acres.

Chris Beaty - Tennessee

Whitetail Institute products are great. I plan to keep using them for along time. You can probably see why. Thanks.

Don Arbaugh - South Carolina

 I tried many other products, with little success. Then I began planting Whitetail Institute forages about 4 years ago, on our farm in Aiken, SC. After getting the soil right, lime, fertilizer, etc. I was able to produce 2 good 1 acre fields. Now I have 7 good fields of 1/4 to 2 acres planted with No-Plow, Extreme and now Chicory Plus. The picture is of me and my grandson Dillon Arbaugh and 2 four year old bucks. The one I'm holding was before I used Whitetail Institute products and the one Dillon has I killed last December. The difference the Whitetail Institute products made is remarkable and even the neighbors around me have been getting much larger bucks. I'm hoping this opening season will be the year Dillon gets his first buck. Thanks Whitetail Institute and keep up the good work. 

New York Hunter Shares Successful QDM Practices

By Russell Nitchman

In August 2000, my wife and I purchased a 104- acre parcel in upstate New York. At that point, I was an average hunter who had read about quality deer management in magazines. I had bought into many of the ideas, mostly because of the larger bucks that QDM can produce. Since I was a teenager, I had dreamed of killing a trophy buck. But after buying my land, my reasons for practicing QDM have expanded beyond tagging a trophy to include improving habitat for whitetails, turkeys and other animals.

Chad Daniels - North Carolina

 I am sending this to let you know how impressed I am with the Extreme Product. I planted a two acre plot in Central NC and am pleased to send you this story and picture of my first P&Y deer. I was hunting over the food plot Monday, September 10th 2007. The temperature was 101 degrees but the bucks started pouring into the plot about an hour before dark. I had passed on four other bucks before this one came in on the same trail as the others. I noticed when I first saw him coming through the brush that he was a mature deer so I prepared myself for a shot. I drew as he got within 30 yards and made a good shot right behind the deer’s left shoulder. It was when he spun to exit the plot that I realized how big he really was. He ran across the field and piled up within 20 yards of the field. Thanks Whitetail Institute for a great product that works even in extreme conditions. 

Winter-Greens: the best of the brassicas

By Jon Cooner

 The Whitetail Institute’s Winter-Greens brassica blend has been on the market for two years. Has it been a success? Without question, the answer is a resounding, “Yes!” In fact, Winter-Greens is well on the way to dominating the brassica food-plot market. Let’s look at why.

Successful Whitetail Management Varies Region by Region

By Scott Bestul

 If all hunting land were created equal, growing food plots, creating habitat and managing deer would be as simple as reading a recipe. What worked perfectly in Alabama would shine in Minnesota, and a man in New York could tell his friend in Arkansas exactly what to do and not look the fool. Whitetails are whitetails, dirt is dirt, and trees and brush look pretty much the same no matter where you hang your stand. None of that is true, of course, and that’s one reason the process is challenging and fun.

Beware the Pitfalls of Summer Nutrition

By Matt Harper

Summer is a magical time filled with baseball, picnics, and weekends at the lake and fireworks on the 4th of July. It's a time for watermelon, corn on the cob and the great American pastimes of barbecue grilling and sprinkler dancing. Most folks are eager to see summer come and unhappy to see it go. If it weren't for the hunting season after summer, I would also dread the end of warm, sunny months. For the whitetail deer, summer is also a time of plenty. Fawns have been born and are busy keeping up with their mothers.

Weed or Seed - Which Came First?

By W. Carroll Johnson, III PH.D

This title brings back memories of my days as a graduate student and the answerless questions posed to me by my instructors and graduate committee. Questions of this type were not to see if a student could talk his way into a knot of contradictions, although I can personally attest to that happening.

Russ Bigus - Pennsylvania

My name is Russ Bigus and I live in Northeastern PA. My family owns 50 acres in Sullivan County. I have been using your products since 2002 and have had a great crop each year. This year, I decided to try Winter- Greens too. While I still use and maintain Imperial Whitetail Clover in other locations with great success, this story is about the attracting power of Winter- Greens.

William Croner Jr - Pennsylvania

Two years into the Imperial Whitetail Clover plot things were looking good. Daytime activity slowed because of major human activity very close by. Still signs and sightings were impressive. The eve before the first day of rifle season there were several bucks and some does in the plot. The eve of the first day of rifle season this buck (see photo) was heading in the general direction of the plot, probably to look for hot does. A mistake for him. The brutes will be bigger next year because of the plot and maybe someone will connect again. The buck was shot by Greg R. 

Donnie Oates - Maryland

The property I own is a 50 acre piece in Preston County,West Virginia. Alfa-Rack does great on my thin soiled mountaintop property. I have seen and videoed many nice bucks in late summer. Enclosed is a picture of the 150 2/8 11-point I harvested October 14th last year. He has a 19 1/2” inside spread and 22” outside spread. He came to the edge of my Alfa-Rack plot on a very windy afternoon. I had videotaped him 2 weeks prior. The deer and turkey cannot resist the Alfa-Rack. Thanks Whitetail Institute for a great product. 

Dennis Gilbert - Ohio

Hi again, I sent you pictures of my daughter, Alexis,’ first deer, a big 8 point that was in Whitetail News Volume 16 #3. This is my monster shot out of the same stand on its way to our Alfa-Rack plot. It was awesome. I had a lot of fun shooting this baby. It scored 173 4/8” 14 points forked brow tines.

Michael Marotta- New York

 Our 6 acre food plot of Imperial Whitetail Clover has become the main food source on our property. The antler growth on our deer has been great. I know for a fact that Whitetail Institute products work. I used them in New York and Pennsylvania. I’m sending a picture of one of the bucks that I’ve taken off of our property. He’s an 11 point and scored approximately 150 inches. I’m going to say it again Whitetail Institute products work. Thanks.

Matt Wastler - Missouri

I would like to thank Whitetail Institute for their contribution in allowing me to harvest my largest buck thus far. In January 2006 my brother Mark, my good friend Chad Prater and I purchased this land in north
central Missouri and immediately started a program which included 30-06 Mineral, Alfa Rack Plus, Imperial Whitetail Clover and the Cutting Edge Products.

Michael Oswald - Missouri

I planted 4 plots of Imperial Whitetail Clover and I see lots of turkeys and deer in them. Beautiful plots that stay green year round. Also PowerPlant grows thick and I see lots of deer and turkey on these plots
too. I’ve enclosed a picture of Jeff Schanke with a 235 pound buck. Thanks Whitetail Institute and God Bless.

Stephen Ehret - Mississippi

This is my second year of hunting. I have moved in the past 3 years from Louisiana to Mississippi. This year I planted food plots with the help of what the locals
thought would be the deer's favorite. I planted 4 food plots — 3 in competitors (mistake) and one in Secret Spot by Whitetail Institute. The one planted in the
Secret Spot was the smallest of the 4 - at the end of an old logging road.

Wade Jandreau - Maine

Well first off, I want to thank Whitetail Institute for
their product. I got this buck on a No-Plow field, where
does were feeding on November 7th. He is the biggest
buck I ever shot in my life. He weighed 275 pounds
dressed. One more thing I would like to add is to thank
a real close friend of mine, Dale for letting me get this
memorable buck on his property. Thank you.

Chris Dean - Illinois

I started out with one Imperial Whitetail Clover field.
And now I have 6. I have more deer (very healthy deer)
and I love the way the does devour the clover. We all
know what happens in November when there are a lot
of does in your food plots. Thank you very much for an
honest product that any outdoorsman can appreciate.
Here is a picture of a very healthy newborn fawn that is
lying in some Imperial Whitetail Clover. Thank you

Stacy Chester - Georgia

Here is a picture of a deer that I killed in the Imperial
Whitetail Clover. I recently went on a hunt to Northwest
Oklahoma. I have been telling my friend about your
product. So he gave it a try. He was drawing deer in
from all around. I went down and hunted with him and
here are the results. I killed this 10 point buck. It
grossed 155 7/8. I have recently purchased a farm in
Kentucky and have planted 9 acres of Imperial Clover
and 3 acres of the Chicory PLUS. Thanks Whitetail
Institute for the great products.

Lewis Hall Jr - Arkansas

We’ve been using ImperialWhitetail Clover and Alfa-
Rack since September 2003. We’re killing more bucks
in the 140-150 inch range and even 160+ class bucks!
Body weights are way up too. Overall herd health has
improved, and we’re seeing more does with triplets. I
killed this buck this past November. He scored 158 after
deductions and weighed 310 lbs.

The Story of Imperial Products - Tried & True Management Tools for Quality Whitetails

By Brad Herndon

 Some people are thinkers. Ray Scott is one such person. In the beginning, his mind revolved around big bass and how to catch them, so he formed the now-famous Bass Anglers Sportsman’s Society (B.A.S.S.). Awhile later, his creative thoughts turned toward whitetail deer in addition to big bass. He wanted his Alabama whitetails to be healthier and produce bigger racks.


By Tom Fegely

More than one “food plot farmer” has stood on the edge of his sparse, green-tinted patch of deer forage and scratched his head, wondering what happened. Or what failed to happen. Why didn’t the rich, green food plot shown on the bag and in magazine or TV advertisements look like his meager, struggling handiwork? What went wrong?

The Whitetail Institute Does It Again... and Again

By Bill Knight

 The 2007 bow season was very good to me. I can give the Whitetail Institute of North America much of the credit for this. I have planted Whitetail Institute products for at least the last 12 years and owe the Institute many thanks for helping me manage my father’s properties for quality bucks. The products and customer service the Whitetail Institute offers are second to none. Well, anyway, let me tell you about my 2007 bow season in Iowa and Missouri.

INVASION OF THE UGLY BULLIES...and the deterioration of the buck herd

By Bill Winke

 Over the past several years, I have been watching the quality of the bucks on my farm deteriorate. When I bought it in 2002 and 2003, the farm held many whoppers. I felt like I had snuck into my mother's kitchen and stolen the cookie jar. I thought, "It couldn’t possibly be this good without anyone else noticing, could it?" And I had huge visions of how much better it would be in subsequent years when I started to manage the land.

Imperial Whitetail Extreme...Going Where No Perennial Has Gone Before

By Jon Cooner

 Perhaps the most fertile source of the Whitetail Institute’s new product ideas is its system of field testers. When our field testers asked for a perennial food plot blend that would thrive in harsh conditions, the Institute, as always, was listening. The result was Imperial Whitetail Extreme. It truly goes where no other high-quality food plot perennial has gone before.

DEER DESSERTS....The Soft Mast Equation

By Jim Casada

 With the noteworthy exception of the rut, deer are largely what they eat. That is, there’s no better means to come to grips with whitetails — from a fat, old long-nosed doe to the buck of your dreams — than through understanding their food preferences and using them in your hunting strategies.

Whitetail Institute Success founded on 20 Years of Research

By Matt Harper

 When I was much younger, I looked forward to my birthday. In fact, it was a neck-and-neck race between my birthday and Christmas morning. Now that I have aged, the excitement about turning a year older seems to have lost some of its luster. On my past couple of birthdays, I actually had to be reminded it was my birthday, and when I was reminded, I wished that I had been left in oblivion.


By Institute Staff

The Whitetail Institute’s Double-Cross forage blend combines the number one food-plot planting in the world, Imperial Whitetail Clover, with the proven superiority of Whitetail Institute forage brassicas, increasing early plot production and providing even more tonnage in the late season.

Desserts for Deer A Message from Ray Scott

By Ray Scott

Jim Casada’s article on soft mast (pg. 10 ) made my mouth water with all his comparisons of deep-dish berry cobblers, cakes and other goodies to the glories of lush ripe persimmons, pears, apples, muscadine grapes and other soft mast deer enjoy in the wild.