Imperial Whitetail Clover is by far the product I use most. In
only two years I went from seeing three to five deer in a week to seeing three
to five deer daily. I highly recommend this product! I also use many other
Whitetail Institute products. This year I added Tall Tine Tubers and it has
just now gotten cold enough to turn the deer on to it and it looks like hogs
have rooted up these turnips. It is a great food source to build the health
back up after the rut.
I am all tagged out, or I would be sitting on the Tall
Tine Tubers plot now! The size of my bucks are getting better and bigger!
Enclosed is a picture of me and my best buck yet. I took him last season, and
he scores 169 4/8. The other picture is of my son Colt’s first buck.