Pure Attraction lives up to its name. I killed this 11-pointer with a muzzleloader the first morning I hunted over our food plot where Pure Attraction was planted. He came in looking for does. He was just standing at the edge of the plot scanning it up and down. Luckily, I didn’t realize how big he was until after I found him. For my first time ever it was ground shrinkage in reverse. This was a special kill for me. My dad taught me to hunt, but after I was old enough to go on my own, he stopped going. A few years ago, he started saying, “If I had somewhere I could go sit with you, I would like to go but I’m not climbing any trees or freezing to death.”
My uncle cut a piece of timber on the farm that used to be their grandparents farm. The property has a power line that bisects it. I thought what a perfect spot to put a tower stand because it was easy walking distance for my father who has bad knees. We got permission from my uncle to “do whatever you want,” and my mother made arrangements to have a tower stand for two built and placed on the edge of the power line. Then the fun began. My father is in the logging business, so we went out and pushed out a food strip about 115 yards long to form a T with the power line. The first year we planted Whitetail Institute products and tried a little bit of everything but had limited success because of the poor soil. Last year we decided to do it “right.” We disked the food strip and had a truck come spread lime on it. We disked again and planted the Pure Attraction and applied fertilizer. We planted it the last week in August and then it didn’t rain for three weeks. We were worried whether anything would come up but after good rains at the end of September the plants started coming up. By November and the start of muzzleloader season, we had a lush, pretty food plot. It had grown better than we could have imagined. I just want to thank Whitetail Institute for making such a good product and for the time that I get to spend with my dad planting and hunting our strips. He has gotten such a joy out of how good his plots look, and I cherish the time we get to spend together working and hunting over them. I am hoping that maybe this year’s big buck comes by for him, and I can write another letter about his trophy.