The first product I tried was Imperial Clover and I still feel it is the best product for my area. We have several very nice food plots of 1/2 to 1 acre and they have produced for 3 to 4 years without reseeding and we see a lot more deer around them.
 I planted a plot of clover and another of Winter-Greens in our back yard so we can watch and observe how the deer use it year round. It is very satisfying to watch the deer feed in there almost every evening. We experimented with the PowerPlant this past summer, and wow, did it grow and the deer stayed in the plot a lot. We will be planting it again this year. I have also used Secret Spot around some of my stand sites with good success. We are starting to see very good results. Thanks Whitetail Institute and keep up the good work. Enclosed is a picture of my son Travis’ buck of a lifetime. We are guessing that the buck would score in the 140’s Boone & Crockett. The mass of his antlers was unlike any we had seen on our property in years. Congratulations Son! But it may be a tougher decision on who hunts that stand next year.