Hollie Robbins - Maryland

Whitetail Institute products have helped increase the health and antler growth of the deer on my farm. Secret Spot is the best seed I have ever planted for small plots in the last 20 years and PowerPlant is one of my favorite products for larger food plots, very productive in forage, very graze tolerant; excellent all around.
 These products have specifically been planted in a 6 acre secluded field to increase deer movement in the area, and sightings to give my kids (3 girls) a better chance during deer season. Thank you for producing such great food plot products. Your products helped both my daughter Amanda (left in photo) 12 years old and Jenna (right) 8 years old, to kill their first deer on the same night, 15 minutes apart, in two separate fields. They thank you too. Also enclosed is a picture of a great buck.