Frank Wilson - Virginia

 I’ve been using Whitetail Institute products since 1997. In my opinion he best one of all is Imperial Whitetail Clover. I’ve managed weed and grass competition with Arrest and Slay on all plots and have had good results concerning harvesting good bucks. I planted PowerPlant this past spring and it is now August and the sunflowers and sorghum are over 7 feet tall. The beans and vines and other stuff are drawing deer like a magnet. I must say that every time I’ve ever called the Whitetail Institute, the folks are the best! They’ll talk to you and listen to your problem or request with real interest. Thanks Whitetail Institute, way to go!

Now I want to tell you a short story about the buck of my lifetime I killed last November. I was hunting on a neighbor’s farm. He also plants Imperial Whitetail Clover. I’ve enclosed two full mounted deer he has killed near his Imperial Whitetail Clover plots. They net scored 142 and 158. The wind is right and I’m in the pine stand and at about 4:30 pm seven does come into the field. I wanted the old boss doe but she stopped where I couldn’t shoot. However a mature doe was to my left. I could see her through a football size hole through the pine branches. I aimed my Knight Disc Supreme 50 cal rifle and shot and when the smoke cleared, deer are running every where and then they’re gone except one. She laid dead 50 yards to my left side where I shot her. I reloaded and stayed put.

Who knows what might happen. I have better than a hour left to hunt. At approximately 5 pm this big buck steps out on the North end of the field. I have about a 140 yard shot, but I’d have to stand up and that will make the pine tree shake. The buck crosses the field to my left (west) and again at the edge by some small trees makes a scrape and chews on a branch. I now have about 120 yard shot, but again I’d have to stand up and that would get the tree to shake. I have time so I’ll wait for him to give me the shot I want. He starts my way but the pine’s branches are blocking my view of him. Now after a few minutes I don’t know where the buck is. I’m upset with my self for not attempting the last 120 yard possible shot I had. I’m worried about spooking him when I come down after dark. Your mind really goes wild after you have come so close and now it’s over. I look at my dead doe through the football size hole through the pine’s branches to judge how much time I have left with my scope. I can’t see her! Instead I’m looking at this huge buck! He is standing over and looking down at the dead doe. I take the safety off and aim behind the shoulder and fired(double lung). He was big, I mean really big! 179 Boone & Crockett non typical my buck of a lifetime.