I’ve leased property totaling just over 300 acres in Marengo County, Ala., for the past seven years. After two years, I decided to try Imperial Whitetail Clover and 30-06 supplements.
Since then I have noticed more sets of fawns instead of before seeing only one fawn per doe. In seven years, the deer population has at least tripled. I am now seeing several Pope & Young qualifiers during bow season. The deer are bigger, healthier and I have more bucks with more mass. Now I plant only Imperial Whitetail products and watch as I pull more deer from my neighboring properties. A few deep breaths, steady cross hairs and Imperial Whitetail Clover allowed me to harvest this 210-pound, 14-point hoss in the photo. I know that without Whitetail Institute products I would never have this quality of animals on my property. I am a Whitetail Institute products user for life.