Planted Imperial Whitetail Clover in two plots. It’s been established for 3 years and is growing strong. Plots located on mountain and Cumberland Plateau in TN. Planted Alfa-Rack Plus in one plot along with Imperial Whitetail Clover. This plot is awesome. Over the last four or so years there have been easily more than 100 bucks seen. 100-inch — 120- inch average, 160-inch — 170- inch largest. Planted Extreme in one plot by itself, and it has done exceptionally well. Planted in very poor soil. I planted Chicory Plus as an additive to the Imperial Whitetail Clover, Alfa-Rack Plus and Extreme plots. Deer loved it a lot more than some of the chicory’s and brassicas we had previously tried. Enclosed are a few pictures of bucks we have harvested.