Enclosed you will find a picture of the nice 8-point I took on our family property near St. Joseph, LA. That’s my nephew, Parks, in the picture with me.
I’ve been using 30-06 Mineral Supplement and 30-06 Plus Protein for several years now, and I believe our herd has benefited from its use. Also last fall I made the decision to try your Imperial Whitetail Clover. We’ve been practicing a form of QDM for quite a while now, but until recent years, the good deer we took still did not have much tine length. While the deer is not a monster, its G-2’s are both between 9 and 10 inches and it’s got a 17-inch inside spread. A 10-point came off of the property last year with even longer tines. Every time I’ve gone to check the Imperial Clover, I find deer beds in it and nipped stems where they’ve obviously been feeding on it. I’ll be planting more Imperial Clover this fall and hopefully I’ll have more pictures for you!