Virginia Gaither - Illinois

We have used Imperial Whitetail Clover, Extreme, Alfa-Rack Plus and No-Plow and noticed improved deer presence immediately and for longer periods of time.
As each year went by the quality of the deer visually improved. Of course rack improvement, but that is not all. Having raised Black Angus cattle for a few years you develop an eye for what you are looking at. The deer in our area are carrying more body weight, a healthier coat, bigger antlers and reproduction seems to be great, as well. Twin and triplet fawns are not uncommon. The numbers are up and so is the quality. We appreciate the improvement because we eat the meat.

All in all, great strides have been made on our small tract of land where the deer herd is concerned. We appreciate the help and knowledge and of course the success that has come to us through Whitetail Institute products and their continued use. Picture 1 was taken in 1991. Everyone wanted to get their deer. And as you can see we did. My point is these were the deer we were seeing. If you compare to the other Picture 2 I sent you can visually see the difference in the herd.

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