After 5 years of letting young bucks walk, harvesting more and more does and adding mineral supplements for the deer herd we are finally starting to see some success.
We have been hunting on the same property for over 12 years now. Five years ago the landowner and I wanted to see bigger deer grow and see the buck to doe ratio better. We implemented an 8 point or bigger rule on bucks and made sure everyone who hunted took at least 2 does per year. We added several 30-06 Plus Protein mineral licks and started putting in fall and winter food plots using Winter-Greens.
The attached photos show how much our licks are being used and the results of allowing the bucks to grow. This past year was our best with several mature bucks being taken and dozens of healthy fat does.
Whitetail Institute products and proper deer management work. This coming fall is looking like it could be our best ever. Thanks Whitetail Institute for providing such great products.