Paul Hausz - Wisconsin
We have had an awesome year thanks to Double-Cross and Imperial Whitetail Clover. The deer in the pictures and many more were harvested on properties managed strictly with Whitetail Institute food plot products only and our normal crop lands (corn).
We have pictures and video kills of all these deer in the Double-Cross and Imperial Whitetail Clover fields. Yesterday I pulled one of my trail cameras from a Double-Cross field and there where 872 pictures and the camera was only in the field for eight days. There were nine different bucks, one being a 170-class 10 point buck. Hopefully if the good Lord is willing we can harvest this deer this year. Neither I nor my pro staffers have ever seen so many deer using a food plot as much as they are in the Double-Cross. It totally blows my mind and also ticks off my neighbors because I have all the deer on my property. Plus I have the pictures and video to back up my claims. Thanks again Whitetail Institute for putting so much time and research into the products that allow me and my friends to produce and harvest trophy whitetails.