Mark Gump - West Virginia

We have planted Imperial Whitetail Clover, Alfa-Rack, No-Plow and PowerPlant and we also use 30-06 Plus Protein. Since I started using Whitetail Institute products six years ago, I will put it plain and simple – bigger racks, bigger body, more deer stay on the property, and a lot more rut activity. Six years ago we (me and my friend Steve) would kill spikes, 4-pointers, 6-pointers and small 8-pointers. Since using Whitetail Institute products, I killed five Pope & Young’s and Steve killed two. I killed a 158 13-pointer; 140 8-pointer; 130 11-pointer; 136 10-pointer; 126 8-pointer; and four other bucks that are in the 120s. See photo of some of my deer.