I purchased a few acres of land in Northern Minnesota and had the opportunity to try out Whitetail Institute products, Imperial Whitetail Clover, Alfa-Rack Plus, Imperial Extreme, 30-06 Mineral and Cutting Edge Nutritional Supplements.
My daughter’s boyfriend, Troy, had an idea for cutting out a clearing in a small area that was sheltered by pine trees and had small aspen trees. It looked like a perfect spot for a secluded clover field. We cleared a two-acre of small trees and plowed it. We had perfect planting conditions; it started to rain as soon as we finished fertilizing and planting Imperial Whitetail Clover. The clover took off fast, we had a month of nice rain and then a month with no rain but it didn’t seem to hurt the clover.
I attached a trail camera to a small tree before hunting season and have a lot of pictures of does and three small bucks in velvet coming in to eat the Imperial Whitetail Clover and a Cutting Edge Mineral Supplement area I put at the edge of the field. I hunted this food plot early season a couple of times and saw does, grouse and turkeys eating the clover.
My daughter, Kassie, brought me luck on November 3rd. We were in a pine tree in two portable stands next to each other when she saw a buck come in behind me into the edge of the clover field. We had worked out a signal, if something came in from behind me she would tap on my head once for a doe, twice for a buck and three times for a big buck. She tapped me about 10 times to get my attention. I made a 20 yard shot with my bow, we waited about an hour before we went after him. He only went about 15 yards into the brush and there was no ground shrinkage when we found him. This was one of the best days of my life, hunting with my daughter in and aromatic pine tree over a beautiful green clover field, watching grouse, squirrels, and rabbits and having the opportunity to shoot at a nice buck.
The picture I have attached of Kassie and my buck are not from the clover field, the clover field is much greener. I still had the rifle deer season coming up in two days and did not want to leave too much scent in the clover field.
Thanks, for a great product, I am looking forward to see what next year brings.