I planted Double-Cross, Chic Magnet and Pure Attraction and the deer loved them and so did the turkeys. I am a bow hunter. I shot a 7-point, 175 pound buck three years ago and a 140-class 8-pointer with a 22-inch wide inside spread two years ago. That buck weighed 230 pounds. I also shot an 11-point, 180 pound buck this past season. All of these deer were shot in Bradford County, Penn.
I also shot two spring turkeys the last two years. My brother hunted every day he could in the Pure Attraction because he was seeing so many deer. He shot his first crossbow deer, a 7-point buck, in the Chic Magnet plot because the wind was wrong in the Pure Attraction plot. It’s like I’m cheating. There are deer in my plots every night. Whitetail Institute food plots work; even bad hunters can shoot deer in Whitetail Institute food plots.