Harry McDaniel - New York

Imperial Whitetail Clover is where it all started for me. It attracted the deer and held them in my area. Great stuff. I traditionally always grew corn, oats etc for my deer herd. Whitetail Institute and their seed product changed all that for me. Imperial Whitetail Clover with the protein and holding power has amazed me in the deer that frequent my property.
I’ve been plowing, planting my property for 30 years, this last 5 to 10 years with the help of Whitetail Institute product and ideas, I’ve gotten real serious about this deer stuff. I’ve taken a lot of good bucks but lately I’m taking much bigger bucks and seeing at night (spotlight) many O-MY-GOD size bucks on my property. I breathe, eat, and sleep whitetail deer 24/7-365 days a year. Whitetail Institute has helped me immensely in my planning and executing my yearly hobby. Keep me updated on all new research products. Thanks a million.

I took the two bucks in the photo with my bow the last two seasons. They are the biggest bucks I’ve ever killed.