Gary Friend - Illinois

I bought a mere ten acres of ground in when I retired, consisting of five acres of field, and five acres of timber. A friend of mine told me about the Whitetail Institute and let me watch your tape! Not being a farmer, I went by your tape’s instructions. I bought a rear tine tiller for my lawn mower, made your homemade cultipacker, limed, fertilized, and planted Whitetail Clover in the Fall. The Jump Start flourished. On November 8, I arrowed my best buck that netted 133” Pope and Young 100 yards from the clover patch. It was educational when I got the Whitetail News magazine along with the clover (You don’t just promote your product) you help us hunters.

On November 8, four years later I arrowed my new best buck yet! 60 yards from the clover. He had nearly a 23” inside spread and a live weight of 350 pounds via the chest measurement method. He’s in the 150 class. I don’t know how unusual it is to take 2 trophies on the same day four years apart, but I do know it’s a day I want to be in the woods.

Next year I also plan on planting Alfa Rack. Thank you Whitetail Institute, it’s been a great learning experience for me, and it’s paying off more than I’d ever dreamed.