With trail camera pictures of Big Twelve on one of our eight 30-06 mineral licks in July and Aug. we knew he was in the area, and we also knew he was working a two-acre Pure Attraction food plot close by.
My son, Jordan, hunted the food plot a couple of times, and saw lots of does, and passed up three different good bucks. With all the does in the food plot we knew Big Twelve would eventually show. Then it happened — a huge scrape showed up on the south side of the Pure Attraction food plot, so we set up our stands on the huge scrape. With so many deer feeding in the food plot a north wind is what we needed to hunt this stand. We hunted a couple different stand locations and Jordan passed up a couple of good bucks waiting for that north wind we needed to hunt the huge scrape. The weather forecast for the next day was cool temperatures with a 5-m.p.h. north wind. Perfect. Jordan was excited about hunting the huge scrape hoping to harvest Big Twelve. We were in the stand only about one hour when Jordan spotted two bucks coming our way, the second buck was Big Twelve, the smaller buck was leaving his scent in every overhanging branch as he headed to the food plot with Big Twelve following, and when he was 20 yards away, Jordan made an awesome shot and Big Twelve went down at 30 yards. Big Twelve scored 176 inches.