We began using Imperial Whitetail Clover and Alfa-Rack in the spring three years ago. Within a few months of planting we began to see more deer activity and several bucks which were 3 1/2 years of age with racks scoring in the range of 130-145. For the first year my father and I hung two tree stands on paths which led to the Imperial Whitetail Clover plot. On the second day of bow season my father settled into his stand several hours before last light. After only 45 minutes he heard a stick crack followed by footsteps heading his way. When he looked up he saw the biggest buck he has had a chance to harvest. When the monster 8-point with a very symmetrically rack stepped into range at 15 yards he let the shot of a lifetime go.
After he was able to stop shaking we tracked his perfectly shot trophy a mere 35 yards where it had stopped right on the edge of the plot. This buck ended up being my fathers biggest buck ever tipping the scale at 197 pounds field dressed with a green score of 133.
Our plot is inside of our 30 acre sanctuary and is 3/4 of an acre. The trail camera has proven all season that Imperial Whitetail Clover really does grow and hold monster bucks. We have included photos. As a whole our deer population and deer size/health has increased tremendously since we began using Whitetail Institute products. I have included a photo of my fathers buck and a trail camera photo of a live buck on its way to our plots.