Larry Comley - Indiana

I was surprised to see Imperial Whitetail Clover come up so fast because, in the past, when planting clovers, they did not really take off until the following year after being planted.
The Imperial Clover was up and growing strong in just a couple of months. Opening day came, and the rut had already started and was still going strong. My best friend, Pete Taylor showed up with his daughter Starla and they headed out to the stand. They did not have to wait long because at 7:10 a.m. (right on time) came a nice 6- point buck right down the lane, heading straight for the Imperial Clover. When the buck turned broadside to enter the clover patch, she shot. She made a great hit, and the buck only ran about 40 yards before going down within sight. This was not the biggest buck I’d seen or got pictures of in the clover, but for her first buck it was a monster. When asked what she thinks about the sport of hunting, she’d reply, “What a rush, I’ve never gotten a rush from anything like this before in my life.” Hours later she still has a case of spaghetti legs, so I’d say she’s hooked for the rest of her life. You just have to look at the smile on her face. Thanks Whitetail Institute for helping make this happen. It’s memories like these that will last a lifetime and make all the time and hard work really pay off. So thanks again.